360° Brand Protection

BrandReadiy's affordable pay-as-you-go-pricing, ready to help you grow your business.

Top Three


(incl. GST)

3 checks

i.e. 3 names

Quick start
  • Tada!
    Instant results always!
Functional Five


(incl. GST)

5 checks

i.e. 5 names

Most popular
  • Voila!
    Instant results always!
Thrifty Ten


(incl. GST)

10 checks

i.e. 10 names

Best value
  • Presto!
    Instant results always!
Bulk Buy

More checks,
more names

If you are a Brand agency or other heavy user, please contact us with your specific needs at support@brandreadiy.com

  • Bingo!
    Instant results always!

48% of Australian small businesses have to rebrand due to contested trademark infringement.
In an IP survey of SMEs with 91 Australian respondents. Source: IP Australia